Auckland's Summer of Entertainment Showcases City's Growing Global Appeal

Auckland's packed summer calendar of major events isn't just about entertainment – it's a powerful economic and cultural catalyst that transforms New Zealand's largest city into a vibrant global destination. From world-class sporting competitions to cultural festivals, these events create a multiplier effect that benefits the entire region - and often the whole country.

The economic impact of major events extends far beyond ticket sales. When Auckland hosts international events like the ASB Classic tennis tournament or the inaugural SailGP, visitors fill our hotels, dine at local restaurants, and shop in our retail centres. This tourism surge provides a vital boost to local businesses, particularly in the hospitality sector, creating jobs and stimulating economic growth during the peak summer season.

International visitors, lured by these incredible events and activities, travel on to other parts of New Zealand, which also benefit. Last November’s three Coldplay concerts at Eden Park saw a 10 per cent uplift in Trans-Tasman tourism from Australia travelling to the concert and returned a $20 million boost to the economy.

Major events also drive infrastructure improvements and development. To host international-standard events, Auckland must maintain and upgrade its venues and facilities, leading to lasting benefits for residents long after the events conclude. FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 left a legacy of more than $18 million invested in upgraded pitches, lighting and amenities.

Cultural events like Laneway Festival and the BNZ Auckland Lantern Festival do more than just generate economic activity – they strengthen Auckland's multicultural base and create spaces for community connection. Laneway Festival's 20th edition at Western Springs Stadium represents two decades of bringing international and local music talent together, while the Lantern Festival continues to celebrate our strong Asian communities and cultural ties.

The diversity of events this summer is particularly noteworthy. From the innovative "Into Ocean & Ice" exhibition at the Maritime Museum to Olafur Eliasson's thought-provoking works at the Auckland Art Gallery, the city is offering experiences that appeal to different interests and age groups. Family-friendly attractions like the Megaland inflatable obstacle course at Lilyworld appeal to our younger Aucklanders, ensuring there's something for everyone.

Sports events also play a crucial role in building civic pride and international recognition. Auckland FC's debut A-League campaign and the city's first SailGP event position Auckland as a serious sporting destination. These events not only attract visitors but also showcase our world-class facilities and organisational capabilities to a global audience.

Perhaps most importantly, these events create memories and experiences that become part of Auckland's story. The impressive lineup for early 2025 demonstrates Auckland's return to confidence and capability as an events destination. By continuing to invest in and support major events, Auckland is building a stronger, more vibrant, and more prosperous future for all its residents.

The timing of these events, spread across January and February, helps maintain a steady flow of visitors and activity throughout the summer period. This scheduling strategy, planned and pitched for years in advance, prevents overwhelming the city's infrastructure while ensuring consistent economic benefits.

The issue we face as a city though is that attracting events doesn’t come cheap.  They often take years of funding before they are finally secured. At present, there is no sustainable long-term funding model other than the ratepayer. We can’t keep tweaking an annual budget – it needs to be a systematic change to keep it going. 

This is why Auckland Council’s Annual Budget will be asking Aucklanders their view on us asking government for a visitor bed night levy. A bed tax set at a small amount between  2.5%  and 3% of each night’s room price has long been seen as an option by the last mayor and the current mayor.

Times are tough for many, and those around the Town Hall table recognise that.  It might be that Aucklanders prefer us to focus on other issues like infrastructure and the basics. On the other hand, others believe major events are a mark of an international city, and something that makes Auckland a great place to live.

However, a bed tax requires central government legislation to implement. So far, no government has given us this ability. We need to know if Aucklanders support us advocating strongly for this to government.

In my opinion even if Aucklanders support a bed tax, there is always a risk we can’t convince government of our case or get a bed tax done in time. If that risk becomes a reality, we will have tough choices to make about whether we fund events at all. We can do nothing – and lose our major events such as ASB classic, Auckland Marathon, SailGP and Auckland Writers Festival.  We could go back to the targeted rate system on hotels and other accommodation providers, however this has been the subject of controversy in the past, doesn’t have industry support and couldn’t be implemented in time for next year. Or we could re prioritise other projects.

That will be the subject of debate at the Council table over the next few months. I urge you to have your say on this and other annual budget decisions


Desley Simpson – Deputy Mayor

Newsletter - 13 February


Whilst its February and the calendar year is well underway, it not too late to say Happy Chinese New Year (Xīn nián kuài lè) – The Year of the Snake.

Our city is jampacked with many Chinese New Year events including the BNZ Auckland Lantern Festival (Feb 13-16) on for the second year at the Manukau Sports Bowl.

January saw a number of hugely successful large events including Sail GP and international country music star Luke Combs headlining at Eden Park and there is more to come!  Moana Auckland, showcasing our ocean, is still on until 9 March and includes the likes of Splash Landing 15-16 February, Pic Harbour classic 28 February -1 March and the Auckland Boat Show on 6-9 March.  It is fantastic that in Auckland we have access to world class exhibitions, can attend concerts and festivals headlined by global superstars as well as supporting local talent at free events like Opera in Park.

2025 is a period of potential change in the local government cycle in Auckland with elections at the end of the year. There has been some media speculation about what my plans are. If there is news, I will let you know. I do want to stress though, having a successful Auckland is not just about who becomes the next mayor but about your local representation, from local boards members through to ward councillors. My next newsletter will concentrate more on that.

But first let’s look at some current updates.

Public Transport

After a planned rail network shutdown over the Christmas/ school holiday period, trains are back and running. The next proposed rail shutdown will be 12 – 27 April 2025 to coincide with the Easter holidays.

If you’re not a regular public transport user, you may not know Auckland Transport have amended their fares as of 2 February. Check here  to update yourself on those changes  Remember you can always use your eftpos card or visa card to use any bus /train and most ferries. However, for concessions, such as SuperGold, students etc… you need to use your AT HOP card to access the discount.

More locally, several Selwyn College parents have come to me regarding some concerns with bus overcrowding, particularly in the afternoons. I have spoken to Auckland Transport and updated in more detail on my Facebook page, but in short AT are definitely looking at how another bus (or a larger bus) can be made available to support the afternoon service. Will keep you posted.



Watercare works Judges Bay

As you know the 2023 severe weather events caused the wastewater pipe 18 metres beneath the Parnell Rose Gardens to break. Since then, there has been a temporary above ground solution that worked but was not ideal. I am beyond thrilled that a new underground wastewater pump station is now in place and Watercare is making significant progress towards lifting the long term Safeswim black pin status at Judges Bay.

Works will continue by the pump station to finish this, including plantings in the garden bed to screen the control units from the road. The pump station is anticipated to be up and running by May 2025. Until then, the current traffic management set-up at Cleveland Rd will remain in place through to March when traffic control will be implemented at lower Cleveland Rd and St Georges Bay Rd from March to early April 2025.

The installation of the pump station is a key local achievement  for our area with Watercare investing $13.2 million in the project which along with the new pump station, includes the installation of two new wastewater pipelines: one on Judges Bay Road and the other on Cleveland Road.

Together, these infrastructure upgrades will increase the capacity in the local wastewater network and reduce the frequency of wet weather overflows at Judges Bay.


Ōrākei Main Sewer

Another local wastewater investment to future proof our local network is the Ōrākei Main Sewer’s rehabilitation, with stage two now underway.

Watercare have had some issues during the excavation of the shaft in Alberon Reserve, primarily due to the ground being much harder than expected, however excavation is now down to over 11 metres with only a couple more metres to go before they reach the sewer pipe itself.

Watercare will start relining the pipe in May. This will enable the Ōrākei main sewer to continue in service for another 100 years.


Kepa road/ Kupe Street intersection works

This intersection upgrade is being undertaken by Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei to improve the neighbourhood and enhance safety for the community as well as to support the future growth in the community. There is a lot of development planned for the Ōrākei area, including homes being built and the plan is to ensure the road network can manage the increase in people living in the area. Installing traffic lights will make it easier for drivers to safely turn out of Kupe Street and make it easier and safer for people to walk and bike in the area.

This is not a council project.

The project is part-funded by the Infrastructure Acceleration Fund (IAF). In June 2021, the New Zealand Government announced the IAF initiative, designed to allocate funding to new or upgraded infrastructure, such as transport, water, and flood management infrastructure, in order to unlock housing developments and enable a meaningful contribution to housing outcomes in areas of need.

If you have any queries about this project please contact:

Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei: Clare Mandeno

Phone: 09 972 2363 (Press 3 for property &





Dog policy, bylaw and regional and local park access rules

I am aware that some locals have raised their concerns about the proposals. As the consultation is currently open, please share your views through the consultation channel so that all feedback can be taken into consideration.

The changes being proposed by Council are part of a regular review of Auckland's dog policy, Dog Management Bylaw and local dog access rules.  For example:

·         dog access rules (where dogs can go off a leash, on a leash, or are not allowed) at 14 regional parks and 64 places in local parks and beaches across the region.

·         New off-leash areas are recommended, as well as changes to keep dogs out of places with vulnerable wildlife, and to provide some places for the public to visit that are dog-free. 

·         Under the proposed changes, people can walk a maximum of six dogs at once and only three of those dogs can be off a leash. This means you could walk three dogs off a leash at once, or three dogs off a leash and an additional three dogs on a leash, or six dogs on a leash.  

The 5-week consultation period closes on Sunday 23 February so please have your say.  Local input is important. Further information can be found:

Final Decision on these rules is made by two different parts of Council.  

The overarching policy and by-law which includes access to regional parks is made by the mayor and councillors (Governing Body) and rules around dog access rules on local parks (like Madills Farm and Glover Park) is made by the Local Board in charge of those local parks/reserves.

Local News

The big yellow structure you may have noticed by Mission Bay beach (Selwyn Reserve) is a rainbow machine. Part of Auckland Councils Art Collection, it travels around the region and will stay at Selwyn Reserve until the end of the month.

So how does it work?

You create your own unique rainbow by harnessing natural light. The joy of the experience is that no two rainbows are the same. You pivot the cone towards the sun, using two geared wheels (large and small). When the optimum angle is struck, natural light is passed through a series of prisms and mirrors at the top of the cone, refracting the light to produce a rainbow. Kids especially love it.


Upcoming events

 13-16 February, BNZ Auckland Lantern Festival at the Manukau Sports Bowl. Celebrate the Lunar New Year and the Year of the Snake. More than 500 handcrafted lanterns will be on display at this family-friendly event. The event is free but you do require tickets so numbers can be managed.

15-16 February pencil in your diary so you can attend Splash Landing (8-10 Tamaki Drive) a FREE family friendly event at the Landing. Bring your towel and togs and have a go at a range of activities from sailing to dragon boating on the water to skateboarding and bouncy castles on land. There will also be live music and food trucks. This is hosted by Akarana Marine Sports Charitable Trust & Ōrākei Local Board and part of Moana Auckland - New Zealand's Ocean Festival.

15 February – Another FREE event, the world-famous Red Bull Trolley Grand Prix at the Domain on Saturday. An event not to be missed. Racing will start at 1pm and be over around 5.30pm. The most fearless, fun-loving and ingenious teams will design and build creative, non-motorised trolleys to race through the Auckland Domain. I am sure they will appreciate your encouragement!

26 February 2 March – International Waterski and Wakeboard Federation 2025 University Worlds on at the Ōrākei Basin. With participants from 14 countries (and counting), you can support your favourite teams and athletes over an action-packed 6-day waterski tournament Basin.

Talking of the Orakei Basin, investigation is underway as to why a number of dead eels have been found in the basin. At time of writing Healthy Waters had not finished their investigation but it is in process. I’ll update when I have more information.

Finally, Valentines Day is this Friday, 14 February, in and amongst whatever you have planned on that day, maybe take time to appreciate something you love about the great city we all live in.





Newsletter - 17 December


As we approach the end of 2024, I find myself saying once again what a whirlwind year it has been! The Ōrākei ward has benefited from several council decisions covering investment in our water infrastructure, to the seismic strengthening works of the Remuera library. Tāmaki Drive is looking amazing with the completion of a trio of projects around Ngāpipi bridge and our parks and green spaces have been spruced up.

Communication remains a top priority, and I've maintained active engagement across all platforms to keep you informed about council issues, explaining the what, how, and why of our decisions. Some logical, some comical - who could forget the amusing incident of the light pole in the middle of Ngāpipi bridge expansion! 😄

For real-time updates, please follow my Facebook page, where I post regularly alongside my monthly (and sometimes twice-monthly) newsletters.

2024 in Review

This year has been marked by several challenges, including continuous storm recovery work, public transport reliability issues, safety concerns, and those ever-present road cones. Through it all, you have proven to be a fantastic ward, and I'm grateful for your ongoing engagement and support.

It’s definitely not all bad news though, and so I thought I’d end the year with a few highlights and positive ‘wins’ for our Ōrākei Ward.

Local achievements

Water Infrastructure

·         The upgrade of the Remuera Road/ Stoneyroyd Gardens waterpipe (after 4 breaks in one year). I made it clear to Watercare that temporary patch up jobs were not good enough and a permanent solution needed to be found. As a result of that advocacy, and the poor condition of the pipes, these works were reprioritised, and upgrade works have now commenced.

·         The Parnell sinkhole, collapse of a part of the Ōrākei Main sewer line and the broken sewer under the Parnell Rose Gardens in Judges Bay. Watercare are currently undertaking not only repair works but have again responded positively to my advocacy and are now futureproofing the water main infrastructure in Parnell and Remuera.

·         The restoration of the water quality targeted rate (WQTR) means our crucial eastern isthmus water quality improvement work is confirmed, with the most important work to coincide with Watercare’s Newmarket Gully project. In the Ten-year budget, 31% of the total WQTR spend is going on the Eastern Isthmus work. 

·         In addition, in the past year investigations have been completed into water quality of streams going into Pourewa Creek, and significant investigations into public and private drainage for St Heliers, Mission Bay, Kohi and Hobson Bay.  This is important as we need to identify all the  different problem areas so we can accurately target the investment. 




·         Rail – the big local issue (apart from line closures and associated speed reductions) has been the noise (screeching of the trains). I have met with KiwiRail multiple times to ask them to prioritise and fix this problem and finally they agreed. First, they have installed noise monitoring equipment on the eastern and western sides and on the track itself. These are continually monitoring and recording noise data.   Lubrication machines will be installed over the Christmas shut down period and will be in operation when the full timetable returns on 3 February 2025 . The lubrication machines will then be able to be tracked against the data held before their installation to monitor that noise reduction. Fingers crossed they work!

·         Bus overcrowding on the Selwyn Colleges/ St Thomas school route was an issue and I received concerns and complaints from caregivers and parents of children using this route that escalated to safety concerns. I advocated for AT to find a positive solution and they did- an additional bus on the route. This was a huge win for the students as additional buses are very hard to secure!

·         Little things make the big difference so when accidents happen like – painting broken yellow lines on the road by the Madills Farm playground – I am happy to provide a little common sense and get the problem quickly rectified

·         The 650 bus has now become 65 – That means it is officially a “frequent” route meaning that locals who use the route that travels through St Johns can expect a bus every 15 minutes.   

·         Walking/cycling, thanks to central government and AT, funding has been secured for the final stage of the Glen Innes to Tamaki Drive shared path. This is the section linking Whakatakataka Reserve (just south of the Ngāpipi Boad sheds) through to the Purewa Bridge at the bottom of Ōrākei  Road. It is almost through procurement stage with construction starting early 2025.  Can’t wait for this to be finished 😊.

Storm recovery

·         This has been a major challenge for Council through the year as we have worked with government to remove properties that pose an ‘intolerable risk to life’- some of which have been local.

·         Council has implemented AI tools to enhance the council’s flood management, so we can prepare and even prevent issues the next time we face a rain event of the scale we had in 2023. 4 hotspot cameras have been installed in the Ōrākei  ward to look for issues in real time as they emerge. 

Community and sports

·         Organisations in the ward have received regional sports grants including Auckland Netball centre in St Johns and the  Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Sport, Recreation, and Hauora Centre.

·         Auckland Domain.  As Chair of the Auckland Domain Committee, I have the pleasure of looking after Auckland’s oldest park.  It has careful rules in legislation that make sure we balance a limited number of events and has an express purpose of providing a place for public recreation and enjoyment for all Aucklanders.   We’ve achieved many smaller improvements this year, such as completing a one -way trial for the Titoki St carpark, refurbishing the Rose Garden, and the heritage restoration and repainting of the grand 11year old Band Rotunda. It was lovely to receive a ‘Garden of National Significance’ award from the NZ Garden Trust for the  rare and spectacular plants in our Wintergardens.  Next year we can look forward to the philanthropically funded playground, a trial regenerative garden, and rebuilding of the bush tracks – all which we have laid the groundwork for through our meetings this year. 


Regional Engagement

Being Deputy Mayor gives me an opportunity to speak to a huge number of Aucklanders, visitors and international guests as well as spending quality time with those who contribute to our city.  I get to meet organisations, businesses, cultural, community and sporting groups. People who like me, are passionate about our great city.

In the last year I’ve attended almost 100 events, of which over half were speaking engagements– from keynote speeches on topics like green infrastructure to welcoming international guests who were participating in our major events and conferences. I’ve participated in numerous opening ceremonies for sports clubs, international exhibitions, community centres and playgrounds. It continues to be a privilege to welcome guests to Auckland and showcase what we have to offer.

 Some Notable Regional Achievements include:

  • Leading a process through our arts and culture working group to get our museums and galleries to work more collaboratively together.  Many of them operate under separate legislation or governance, and in the past have not worked together as well as they could.  We’ve built trust between them and in the coming years we should see innovations like a combined pass to visit our cultural organisations such as the Museum, MOTAT, Art Gallery and Maritime Museum – just like you would see in a city overseas. 

·         Savings and efficiencies are actively being pursued by Council. I chair the committee monitoring our savings.  For 2024/2025, we have already achieved $31.9 million (48 per cent) of our $66 million goal.  For 2024/2025, the $66 million savings target builds on top of ongoing savings of $90 million per year which has already been achieved and locked into the council’s budget.

·         Supporting our climate goals.  I was fortunate enough to drive Auckland’s very first electric double-decker bus (in a confined route within the depot) and having a zero garden waste to landfill goal which will be reached in 2025 for Domain

·         Launched the city's contactless payment system alongside Minister Simeon Brown and Auckland Transport (making us the FIRST city in NZ to achieve this!)

·         Visited ALL  21 Local Boards in the region as part of our Long -term Plan engagement, including the harder to get to places like Aotea Great Barrier, Waiheke and Rodney, Franklin and Waitakere Ranges, no corner was left unturned. I have been told this hasn’t happened before. I listened to what the different areas had to say and shared this feedback to ensure the Council’s Long-term Plan known as our Ten Year Budget, took into consideration key elements that were raised. Passed in late June, this included the setting up of the Auckland Future Fund into which the Auckland airport shares were put.  They’ve recently been sold for more than we expected.  I was a strong supporter of this concept, so I am pleased to see it is off to a great start. 

·         My advocacy has continued strongly for storm recovery efforts and supporting residents in difficult situations – whether because of road reserve failures impacting their access, rates relief or individual issues where I could facilitate quicker resolution. 

·         Behind the scenes I spent a lot of time demanding better answers from Eke Panuku about the Wynyard Quarter Bridge which had to be refurbished this year.  Last week it reopened but it was disappointing it got to the point it had to be shut for so long, impacting the businesses and residents in the area.  I know that some have enjoyed the red ferries that were a temporary replacement, but I know we’ll welcome the ease of the bridge being back in action!

·         Participated in unique experiences from crawling through lava caves in Mt Eden  and visiting film sets in Otahuhu, to exploring rooftops of the Auckland Museum and  Art Gallery, and splodging around the mangroves on the south side of the Manukau with the aptly named Mudlarks all to understand how we can work better and more importantly deliver better outcomes for Aucklanders. 

Looking Ahead to 2025

The coming year promises to be significant with:

  • Council elected member elections in October. 

  • CCO reform delivery – what will the outcomes and KPI’s look like now we are bringing many of the elements these CCO’s have being doing ‘independently’ back into Council?

  • Preparations for the City Rail Link opening in 2026


Finally a few reminders:

Closure of rail network for 4 weeks

·         The ENTIRE Auckland rail network will be closed from December 27, 2024 to January 28, 2025 (the day after Auckland Anniversary weekend) as part of the Rail Network Rebuild project in preparation for the City Rail Link

·         There will be rail replacement buses supporting the rail closures so check AT’s journey planner for details around that.


Works on State Highway 16 and Stanley Street

·         From 17 January (after the ASB Classic) to March 2025, NZTA will be undertaking several maintenance and safety improvement projects on State Highway 16 in Parnell

·          Please give yourself a little extra time to from point A to point B.

Weekend Works Schedule (9PM Friday to 5AM Monday, 24/7):

  • Jan 17-20: Saatchi & Saatchi building to 95 The Strand

  • Jan 24-28: 95 The Strand to 71 The Strand

  • Jan 31-Feb 3: 71 The Strand to Shipwright Lane

  • Feb 7-9: St Georges Bay Rd to Gladstone Rd

These dates are weather dependent - dates may change if needed.

St Georges Bay Road will be open in both directions during weekends 1 to 3. On Weekend 4,  St Georges Bay Rd will be closed in both directions at Kenwyn St.

With promising summer weather ahead, I encourage everyone to get out and explore our fabulous city.  If you are not going away, Auckland has some great events planned such as SailGP, the ASB Classic and the Auckland Anniversary Day Regatta.

Thank you for your continued support and engagement throughout 2024.

I sincerely wish you all a wonderful safe and happy holiday season



Newsletter - 13 November

November, another month and yes, there is lots to update you on. We have had children out and about trick or treating for Halloween, Barfoot and Thompson Auckland Marathon through Tāmaki Drive and then the much-anticipated opening of the Parnell Baths, the Festival of Roses in the Parnell Rose Gardens and some major music events including Coldplay at Eden Park.

The council diary has been especially full as I have been ( and still am)  Acting Mayor whilst the mayor is on working trips to Brazil, China and Japan.

So first some regional updates.

Let’s start with the trains. You may have seen on news or heard on the radio the City Rail Link (CRL) announcement about some extended closures of all train lines over holiday periods (mainly) starting from the upcoming Christmas/summer holidays and throughout 2025 in preparation for CRL.

In simple terms 10 years’ worth of rail maintenance and upgrades is happening in 18 months so that when CRL opens in 2026 it can do so without further disruption.

The work programme been designed to condense network disruption into shorter, more intensive closures, leaving it fully operational for longer and at the busier times. For example:

·         the network will be fully operational for more weekends next year, compared to 2024.

·         KiwiRail can work 24/7 when appropriate and needed

·         Save about 30% in costs

·         Prioritise weekday peak commuters so that trains are working when the school term starts next year and when most people are back at work after the summer break.

·         The fleet of school buses can be used to boost the rail replacement buses as they will be available to use at these times.


Dates of the rail closures are (please make a note):

·         4 weeks over Christmas 2024 and 2025, compared to the usual 3 weeks. This includes a full rail network closure from 27 December 2024 to 27 January 2025, with parts of the network reopening on 28 January 2025, including the Western and Onehunga lines. An additional week of service changes will affect the Southern and Eastern lines south of Otahuhu, with buses replacing trains.

·         A 16-day closure around Easter 2025

·         4-day holiday weekend closures

·         Periods of single line running, where trains can only use one track instead of two, may be needed during some school holidays

Just to be clear, it is the expectation of council, and I am sure all Aucklanders that both Auckland Transport and KiwiRail:

-              Engage early with Aucklanders so they know they closure dates well in advance

-              Engage often

-              Explain the scale of what’s happening,

-              Explain why disruptions are necessary

-              Explain how people can get to their destinations using alternative public transport routes

-              And deliver the upgrades on time (and on budget)

To see further information on  these rail closures please go to


Now the Christmas tree.

 There has been a flurry of discussion about the funding of Te Manaaki, an 18m-high Christmas tree to be lit with thousands of lights, hundreds of Pohutukawa flowers and baubles, and erected in Te Komititanga Square (in front of Commercial Bay) later this month.

Funding for this initiative comes from the City Centre Targeted Rate (CCTR). This is a specific rate gathered from city centre businesses and residents to fund the development of the city centre. It does not come from ratepayers outside of that area.

Heart of the City ( the business association for the central city)  and Precinct Properties presented staff with an opportunity to contribute to something special, something that would give Aucklanders a new reason to come into the city centre during  the biggest trading season of the year. The tree  was also supported by the Waitemata Local Board. You need to know the CCTR can only be spent in the city centre, so the investment doesn’t come at the expense of any council service anywhere else in the region.

With the festive season fast approaching, events like the Farmer’s Santa Parade and Christmas activation in Aotea square will further assist in increasing foot traffic in the central city.  I’ll certainly be bringing the Council choir to sing around Te Manaaki in December to bring some extra festive cheer.

From cheer to grrr.

 Hate potholes? Well, there is a plan to get rid of them and fast. Auckland Transport has been in the news for a great reason and that is for their Pothole Promise.  Starting at the end of last month (30 October), they have committed to filling potholes on our busy arterial roads like Remuera Road, Kepa Road etc… within 24 hours of being reported and the other sealed roads within 5 days of being reported. Whilst filling potholes is not new news, AT’s commitment to doing this 95% of the time in the days they have specified is. At the last Transport and Infrastructure Council Committee meeting, they told elected members that they had exceeded their response targets with 97% of potholes being filled within the days they had promised.

So far (as of 11 November) 507 customer requests for pothole fixes have been completed. It may also be of interest to note that 50% of pothole repairs are occurring in the Franklin, Waitākere and Albany Local Board areas.

If you see a pothole when you are out and about, I encourage you to report them online, it is a straightforward process. Visit (FYI potholes on motorways are filled by New Zealand Transport Agency and they have a similar target).



Savings and efficiency are actively being pursued by Council. I chair the committee monitoring our savings. The positive take out from this week’s committee meeting was that almost  50 per cent of Auckland Council’s savings for this financial year have been achieved, even though we have just finished Quarter 1.

·         For 2024/2025, the council has already achieved $31.9 million (48 per cent) of its $66 million goal.

·         These savings are directly used to keep rates and debt down. In total, $66 million saved represents 2.5 per cent of rates rises that have been avoided

·         For 2024/2025, the $66 million savings target builds on top of ongoing savings of $90 million per year which have already been achieved and locked into the council’s budget.

An interesting fact is that, for every $25 million of planned savings in the council’s budget, rates rise of around 1 per cent is avoided. 


Having your say

It is really important to us, that when asked, you provide feedback on the many issues we ask your opinion on as I certainly take into account your views when making decisions. Listed below are some of the current topics Auckland Council is asking Aucklander’s input on:

·         A proposed wellness, sport and recreation centre at Orakei Domain. Have your say by 4 December 2024.

·         Shoreline Adaptation Plans: Auckland Central and Ōrākei to Karaka Bay. Looking for feedback by 18 December

·         Traffic Related By-laws -  AT and Council are proposing to:

o   Consolidate the three current traffic-related bylaws into a single joint AT and Auckland Council Vehicle Use and Parking Bylaw 2025. This will clarify and simplify the rules about vehicle use and parking in Auckland.

o   Make changes to better respond to current and future issues with vehicles on beaches, heavy vehicle use and parking, and parking vehicles off a roadway.

o   Make the new bylaw easier to use and understand by clarifying existing rules, removing unnecessary rules, and moving rules to better aligned bylaws.

o   Make supporting changes to the Council Public Safety and Nuisance Bylaw 2013, AT Activities in the Road Corridor Bylaw 2022, and Council and AT Signs Bylaw 2022.

Public consultation started the 4 November and will close 4 December 2024.


And to end with some local updates:

Parnell Baths

Parnell Baths are now open for business. Sadly  the Peter Turkington mural at the Baths won’t be back until the beginning of next year as  it was damaged by graffiti so is undergoing cleaning and repairs offsite by a stone conservator.

Watercare upgrades

The Remuera Road watermain renewal (near Stoneyroyrd Gardens) has begun! To minimise holiday disruptions, the work will be completed in two stages:

 Stage 1: 11th November – 8th December

 Stage 2: 6th January – early February

There are temporary changes along Remuera Road including limited street parking between Stoneyroyd Gardens and Loch Street. Reduced lane widths and speed limits. Pedestrian detours with some reduced footpath access. T3 Lane will be temporarily closed.

Ohinerau/Mt Hobson improvements

The Tūpuna Maunga Authority  ( who govern all our maunga/mountains will begin track improvements at Ōhinerau / Mt Hobson around mid-November, aiming to enhance both the visitor experience and protect archaeological features. Upgrades include adding boxed steps and boardwalks on informal tracks, grassing and planting eroded areas, and removing old fences and gates. New aggregate tracks and resurfaced paths will improve access to the summit, while pest plants will be cleared and native species planted to enrich the landscape. Construction is expected to take 12-16 weeks, occurring on weekdays and some Saturdays. Pedestrian, cycle, and vehicle access will remain available, with the main Remuera Road entrance open throughout. Temporary closures of certain entrances and tracks will be managed with clear signage and alternative routes.


Finally at time of writing there are 42 days until Christmas. I’m sure your list is as long as mine so all the best in the lead up. I’ll be sending one final update before the end of the year.


Newsletter - 8 October

It’s October and now less than 3 months until 2025 (eek) but we also have  brighter mornings, longer days. We are in week 2 of the school holidays, the cherry blossoms are in bloom and people are out enjoying the changeable Spring weather.

In the last newsletter I updated you on local Orakei Ward based investments, in this edition I will give you a brief overview of what has been happening in the wider Auckland council sphere.

Let’s start with parking fines. Believe it or not Council cannot independently change parking fines.   Effective from 1 October 2024, central government introduced a nationwide mandatory increase in parking fines for the first time in 20 years! The fines have been adjusted to inflation which results in about a 70% increase in fines for common infringements, such as parking in bus lanes, using mobility parking spaces when you don’t have a permit, or exceeding time limits in paid parking areas.  So, what is the purpose of this government decision? It was implemented to curb illegal parking (a deterrent) and promote better compliance with parking regulations.  As well as reflecting efforts to ensure safer roads and better traffic flow – which we all want. This change will impact drivers across the city, including those in the Ōrākei ward, where parking is already a concern due to its busy town centres like St Heliers and Mission Bay​. If you don’t want to be fined, please refresh yourself on the parking rules. You can find out further information here

From parking infringements to paid on street parking - Auckland Transport has delayed new overnight parking charges in the CBD (after receiving feedback) until December 2024 at the earliest. The charges were due to come into force 1 October, where previously parking had been free in many parts of the city outside the peak hours of 8am-6pm. I will keep you posted on any future updates.

Now on to things I have advocated for regionally. When I first became a councillor, one of the things we investigated was whether all the buildings council had acquired through amalgamation were needed. Well, I am happy to report that Council’s amalgamation of building facilities has resulted in considerable savings and the improvement of operational efficiencies without sacrificing service quality.

The Property Review report that came to the Revenue committee (which I now chair), explained the work set out to save $1.7million a year.

However, that was well exceeded.

We actually saved $17million per year (yes, ten times the amount!) and even better we avoided building renewals of $184 million and delivered a $34 million cash surplus. On top of that, it also improved the condition of council’s corporate buildings we are keeping and delivered other improvements such as a new art storage for Auckland Art Gallery and wi-fi to libraries’ front-of-house areas like in other global cities.

So, what did this Property Review programme cost ratepayers? $0 😊

This consolidation helps streamline the management of council-owned assets, ultimately benefiting residents with better-maintained facilities and reduced overhead costs. These cost savings are part of broader efforts to manage the city’s budget prudently amidst rising costs.

What will the Ōrākei Ward Boundary look like next election?

Council has been reviewing its ward boundaries as part of an ongoing update to ensure effective governance. Ōrākei Ward remains an essential area of focus, with discussions surrounding potential boundary shifts to better align community needs with representation. Following public consultation (which I reminded you to have your say about in a previous newsletter), Council has publicly notified its final proposal for representation arrangements across the region ahead of the 2025 local body elections.

The final proposal includes these changes to current boundaries:  The boundaries of the Waitematā and Gulf Ward, Ōrākei Ward, and Albert-Eden-Puketāpapa Ward will realign with local board boundaries, except that:

•          Parnell and Newmarket to remain in Ōrākei ward

•          Eden Terrace to remain in the Albert-Eden-Puketāpapa ward.

An interactive map  viewer is available here:

Aucklanders can expect to hear an outcome on the council’s final proposal by April 2025, allowing time for changes to be introduced before next year’s council elections.

Aligning boundaries is not the only challenge that has been long in the making. A significant milestone has been reached regarding Auckland’s major cultural organisations

The Auckland War Memorial Museum, MOTAT, the Auckland Art Gallery and Stardome, are magnificent assets for our city enhancing our social artistic and cultural fabric, and ones I know we are all proud of. However, for years Council has acknowledged they have been set up to work separately with different funding mechanisms which everyone acknowledges is not ideal. Council has commissioned a number of reports costing hundreds of thousands of dollars to look at a better model, and yet despite that significant spend, nothing has changed.

Just over a year ago I led a Political Working Group to deliver better outcomes for our cultural institutions. It took a lot of time, effort, collaboration, discussion, debate and more debate, but in the end, we delivered a way forward-together

The recommendations are split into two parts:

Part one is focussed on getting on with the improvements that can be made now, by us, and that are focussed on better outcomes across the sector. Our agreement is to form an alliance to improve and encourage collaboration between the institutions and the Council. Benefits from collaboration include shared outcomes and efficiencies in the likes of promotion and programming, shared advertising and marketing, telling a cohesive Auckland story and integrated ticketing such as a shared “Auckland Pass’. This happens in many cities around the world and should happen here . While these improvements are important, the Political Working Group also recommended there is a need to fix the existing law around some of these institutions. Some of that law is of course many, many years old and does need to be relooked at. Change can be challenging but with the right people change can happen with everyone feeling good about it.

I am happy to report that on 26 September, the council’s Governing Body unanimously agreed to progress the recommendations of my Political Working Group.

Now to end with some local updates.

1.Watercare is planning to renew a section of the watermain on Remuera Road (near Stoneyroyrd Gardens). This section has come to the end of its life and has burst multiple times in the past 6 months causing water outages to residents and businesses. The work should begin at the end of this month and is expected to be completed by mid-December.  

2.Thomas Bloodworth Park - the new picket fence has been completed, new bridge handrails have been installed as well as aluminium guardrails at entrance of bridges and the pergola has been upgraded and painted that gives it a whole new look.

3.St Heliers Beach boardwalk path lighting renewal. The tender process is closed, and the contract will be awarded to the successful bidder. Construction will start shortly and will be completed this financial year.

Finally, a big THANK YOU to the volunteers who came together to form a “love your path” group that carry out gardening work along the Glen Innes to Tamaki Drive shared path.  Thank you for your time and dedication and thanks to the contractors who provided them with rubbish bags and collected the green waste after the event. Our Volunteers are such a valued resource not just locally but throughout Auckland.




Newsletter - 18 September

First up, we are in Spring, with all the changeable weather that brings, with 16 weeks left to make the most of 2024 (so much to do, so little time….). Also, a reminder that our clocks will turn forward an hour on 29 September at 2am as part of Daylight Saving.

This month’s newsletter is focused on a number of local investments I’ve been working on (some for a considerable length of time) and which I’ve finally been able to get to delivery on over the next few months.

It has been a long time coming but the final section of the shared path “spine” (stage 4 Tāmaki Drive to Glen Innes) is due to start next week (Monday 23 September). Auckland Transport are preparing areas for the boardwalk construction over the water around the eastern edge of Hobson Bay from Whakatakataka Reserve through to Purewa Bridge at the bottom of Orakei Road. Once the preparatory works are completed, actual construction will start at the end of the year.  A completion date has noy yet been confirmed (I will keep you posted) but this last section once finished will replace the temporary cycling facility along Ngāpipi Road.

What you will see over the next few days is the clearing of space for the future boardwalk at Whakatakataka Reserve and behind the Ōrākei park and ride car park, where they will be removing   350m2 of privet trees. Part of the construction brief is to replace any tree removal with native planting once the project is complete.

This preparatory work will take up to 5 days total and there will be some disruption including:

·         5 (or fewer) five-minute rolling closures on Purewa Bridge when the team are pulling out privet trees right next to the bridge. This will be carried out outside of rush hour and will be a brief delay for people (including those on foot and bike) who will need to wait a few minutes before carrying on their journey)

·         Tree trimming and tree work related noise

·         6 car parking spaces in Orakei Park and Ride will be out of use whilst the work is undertaken

The beginning of 2023 was a time to remember for all the wrong reasons mainly due to a year’s worth of rain in a few months. Councils recently approved Long-term plan (the 10-year budget) included The Making Space for Water programme, a comprehensive 10-year, $760 million effort funded by local and central government sources to improve flood readiness and mitigate risk across Auckland.

As part of this programme, Council have made significant advancement in stormwater management capabilities by delivering cutting-edge, AI – driven hotspot cameras across the city.  Solar-powered cameras capture images at key stormwater sites, then use artificial intelligence to analyse the information and alert contractors to problems.  Of the 23 cameras installed so far across the region, four are in the Ōrākei ward located in St Johns, Ōrākei, Glendowie and St Heliers. The hot spots selected are known flood risks, because debris often builds up, causing blockages, this technology will eventually allow our contractors to clear blockages as soon as they are detected, therefore lowering flood risk.


Talking storm damage, you will I’m sure remember the collapsed wastewater sewer line approximately 25 metres deep, down under the Rose Garden in Judges Bay.  Due to the depth and location of the pipe it has taken a while to find a permanent solution. Watercare now have one and works have started this month and are planned to finish mid-July next year. Further information can be found here:

Residents in Judges Bay Road and Bridgewater Road where the works will occur, will keep vehicle access for themselves, their guests and service providers. Pedestrian access will always be maintained along Judges Bay Rd and Bridgewater Road. However, there will be some disruption:

•          Traffic management will be in place 24/7 during construction for the safety of the public, traffic movement, and workers. Judges Bay Rd Intersection with Bridgewater Rd will operate under a 3-way stop/go.

•          On-street parking on the lower section of Judges Bay Reserve adjacent to Dove Myer Robinson Park will not be available, or will be significantly reduced, during construction.

•          On rubbish day Watercare are requesting that residents’ bins are placed on the other side of the road, to allow the rubbish truck access with the flow of traffic. Assistance will be available in advance for anyone who needs this, please contact 

Now from a sewer to a sinkhole.

Remember the sinkhole the size of a tennis court that appeared beside lower St Georges Bay Road last year?  Well, Watercare’s been working nonstop to fix the broken Ōrākei Main sewer under that sinkhole and that section of St Georges Bay Road is expected to be fully opened to the public by early-December along with the carpark. I’m sure those who live/work around there will also be glad to see the temporary Pump station and associated road cones gone too.

This links to my advocacy for proactive work to futureproof the Orakei Main sewer line. After undertaking a condition assessment of the remaining 9km of the Ōrākei Main Sewer to help mitigate the risk of future failure, Watercare has decided to reline the sewer so it can continue to be in service for another 100 years. This work is in a number of stages with the next bit (Stage 2) taking approximately 6 months based in a section of Alberon Reserve in Parnell.  

I’ve also had another successful achievement on behalf of the residents of Remuera/Meadowbank who have seen burst water pipes at least four times in a year, some without water for over 24 hours! Finally, after some frank discussions with Watercare, I can confirm works to repair the Remuera water pipe (near Stoneyroyd Gardens) will start this financial year. I am awaiting an actual date, but funding is locked in, and it will definitely happen. However, we still do have a problem , and a potential solution.

There’s  a section on Remuera Road right next to the section being renewed that’s been identified for future replacement, which is not yet scheduled in yet. I’m still waiting for that timing confirmation.

One of the reasons for pipeline breaks in the area is the steep gradients of the pipes, particularly between Remuera Road and the Remuera Golf Course. These slopes can over-pressurize the network, making it more prone to breaks. To address this, Watercare will install new equipment to better control pressure and prevent over-pressurization. Residents won’t notice any change in their water pressure, but this will greatly reduce the number and severity of leaks. So overall, this is great news for the ward.

Change of subject but an important reminder for you (or anyone you know).  If your home was affected by the 2023 storms, you have until 30 September 2024 to register for the property categorisation scheme.

This is particularly for those homes who have had

1.       over half a metre of flooding in their home, or

2.      received a red or yellow placard (sticker), or

3.      were affected by a landslide.


Why is this important?  Because there is ongoing assistance available and if you are not registered you will not be eligible for additional support. We are acutely aware of the stress some homeowners are still experiencing so please, if you or someone you know could benefit from this assessment and support, please share the information and deadline date. For more information visit

Finally, it was great to vote this month in support of 15 sports organisations serving over 20 different sporting codes around Auckland to receive $3.2 million in grants over the next three years.  Auckland Netball Centre in St Johns was one of those. Excellent news for our netball players and other sporting codes who use that facility.



Newsletter - 5 August

The school holidays are over, the days are getting longer, and our top athletes are in Paris representing New Zealand in the Olympics. We may be in a different hemisphere, but I do hope the athletes feel our support. Let’s face it, it’s a real achievement to even make the Olympic team representing our great country.

Back home, as usual, lots happening in Auckland.

As you know it is so important to have your say through the council’s consultation process. One that’s on now  ( but is closing soon) is “How we represent you: Auckland Council representation review” open until 8 August. A representation review makes sure that each councillor represents a similar number of people, known as the 'fairness of representation rule' or the '+/- 10 per cent rule.'

What does this mean for you?

If you live in Parnell, Newmarket or Grafton, do you want to be represented by an Ōrākei Ward Councillor or change to a Waitemata and Gulf Councillor or aren’t bothered either way? The consultation has significant effects on the Ōrākei ward boundaries. Specifically, the proposal is to remove the suburbs of Parnell, Grafton and Newmarket (and the Auckland Domain) away from the Ōrākei Ward so they are then part of the Waitemata Ward. This would mean the Orakei ward would start in the west at Remuera and go east to include Ellerslie (which it doesn’t currently) and more parts of St Johns  (around Felton Mathew Ave) which currently sit within the Maungakiekie Tāmaki Ward.

I have given a very brief overview, however, there is more information in the link below, including maps. Please have your say by 8 August. My vote on this will definitely take your views into consideration.


Next, the decision to cap public transport at $50 over 7 days to help Aucklander’s budget better in these challenging economic times is now operational.  As a key priority in Council’s Long-term Plan, this initiative means fares on AT buses, trains, inner harbour ferries and AT Local will be capped at $50 over seven days in a row. The fare cap period runs for a week, expiring at 11:59pm seven consecutive days after the initial tag on. For example, if you tag on a Tuesday, your fare cap period will run until 11:59pm the following Monday. The good thing about this change is that all you need to remember is to continue to tap on and off, the cap happens automatically.

Further information can be found on the AT website -


Moving on, visibility of road cones has become a matter of public frustration. We see endless cones and not necessarily any activity happening behind them. However, Temporary Traffic Management is critically important to a functioning city where development happens. Keeping everyone safe is paramount, so finding a balance between works, cones and disruption without decreasing safety is what we need to work towards.

As background, in February 2024, The Mayor commissioned an independent report into the temporary traffic management (TTM) system in Auckland. This was released 16 July.

The report, by Ernst & Young Global Limited (EY), found:

·         Temporary Traffic Management contractors have little incentive to work cheaper and faster.

·         Existing rules and regulations incentivise contractors to cause maximum disruption to maximise profits.

·         Legislative change is needed to change this behaviour and minimise disruption.

The full report is public

The report has identified 25 actions, that have been defined as low, medium, high impact.  It is great to see that Auckland Transport is already underway with 12 of the recommendations and will look at the others that relate to them. They have reduced the amount spent on Temporary Traffic Management by $1.27 million since February this year.  This is work in progress, Council will need to work alongside, central government for bigger impacts due to needed legislative change.

Staying with transport, a few newsletters’ ago I encouraged you to feedback in relation to the Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) 2024-2034 – the region’s investment proposal for transport over the next 10 years. The RLTP is a multi-agency plan by Auckland Transport (AT), Auckland Council, New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) and KiwiRail. It sets out the region’s transport objectives and how proposed transport initiatives and activities in Auckland should be prioritised for funding.

The draft RLTP was put forward to Aucklanders to have their say in May.  It now has been confirmed that 13,108 pieces of feedback were received, more than twice as many as the previous draft RLTP in 2021.Feedback from this consultation has helped shape the final RLTP.

Auckland Transport has reported that feedback showed moderate support for state highway improvements and less support for walking, cycling, safety, and sustainability initiatives.

Changes to the draft RLTP based on Aucklanders’ feedback included:

•          Bringing forward funding for unsealed road improvements and bus optimisation programmes, with the deferral of some funding for ferry decarbonisation.

•          Raising the priority of the state highway improvement projects.

•          Allocation of an additional $600m (budget which was approved through Auckland Council’s Long-Term Plan 2024-2034) to make public transport faster, more reliable and easier to use, and to optimise the transport network, as follows:

o          $92m to the park and ride programme.

At our last Transport and Infrastructure Committee, the revised RLTP was approved by elected members.  The next step is for AT to submit it and we will wait and see which of our priorities and projects are included by central government for delivery. 


Local updates

I am following my usual pattern on ending with local news, so here we go:

While restoration works are undertaken at Remuera library until mid-2025, the new temporary Remuera library at Somervell Presbyterian Church (497 Remuera Road) is now open.

I can confirm that the Te Ara ki Uta ki Tai Lights on the Ōrākei Basin boardwalk (the straight section along the basin) are now repaired and operational. Thank you to local residents who let me know that the lights were broken, walking along the path in darkness was neither safe nor practical.

An incredible amount of work has happened in our area over the past financial year. We are fortunate to have great beaches, parks, boardwalks, and reserves in our area and there is a dedicated Council team that have ensured that our open spaces are maintained or upgraded for the community to use. To assess what works are prioritised they condition rate the assets and when they become in poor condition, they create a programme for renewal.  

Here is a list (a sample) just concentrating on works in and around our local parks and community facilities. All this and more was delivered for a budget spend of  $4.8m in FY23/24:

·         Bins, tables and park benches were repaired or replaced across the Orakei local board area in 25 locations. From Portland Reserve to Glendowie Park, Bonnie Brae reserve to Colin Maiden Park    

·         Playground equipment has been replaced and/or fixed based on the team’s annual playground inspection reports that identifies equipment that needs replacing. These include- Okahu Bay cargo net, Burma bridge and spinner, Thomas Bloodworth playground net and rope replacement for play equipment, Wharua Reserve playground climbing rope replacement, play equipment at Patteson Reserve , a new formed concreted manual skate pad at the Crossfield Reserve Skate Park and renewed flying fox at Little Rangitoto Reserve.  All because our playgrounds are well used and well loved.

·         Kohimarama Beach Reserve lighting along the boardwalk has been upgraded, which was a massive task.  The lighting on Kohimarama Beach Reserve had failed due to being inground (up lights and bollard lights) and not suited to the environment ( a lot of learnings there!).The opportunity was taken to put in lamp posts in keeping with what was done at Selwyn Reserve, Mission Bay to keep a consistent look along the waterfront. These will also be more protected from the elements. This has provided much better lighting and a more pleasant, safer experience for the public.

·         Glendowie Community Centre has had a big upgrade with works on the roof and cladding as well as solar panel installation

·         Crossfield Reserve playground has been upgraded, there was a grand opening a few months ago. The opportunity was also taken to install a path network (at the eastern end of the reserve) that connected through the park better.

·         Waiatarua path- Progress continues with the Waiatarua Reserve path renewal project, contractors are working through the reserve in sections. The new entrance at Grand Drive has been completed and there has been a tidy up of the Towle Place entryway. The contractors have also cleaned all of the bridges throughout the reserve and installed new anti-slip mesh on the platform at the dog pond

·         St Johns Bush walkway - these paths were bought back to life after the January 2023 storm caused a lot of damage.  The work undertaken will increase the resilience of the walkway.

·         Tahapa shared path bridge - work to apply an anti-slip surface to the bridge at one of the feeder paths to Te Ara Ki Uta Ki Tai path was completed

·         Building repairs – 85 Merton Rd (Colin Maiden Park) - known as the old radiology building, this building and the garage were in dire need of repairs the roof and gutters were replaced and exterior painted.

·         Thomas Bloodworth Park’s bridges and picket fence have had a complete transformation.

·         Shore road footpath - The path at Shore Road was a constant mud pit which pooled with water. The path has now been fixed and designed to look like it had always been there. The community can now enjoy a much cleaner walk

·         Ellerslie Domain – sports field renovations- new grass was seeded to ensure a greatly improved quality of sports field.

·         Kohi boardwalk - The boardwalk along Kohimarama has been tidied up. Trimming back the grass to create a nice straight edge, which has widened the boardwalk in time for the increased usage over summer.

·         St Heliers Bay Beach Reserve path - The removal of the safety edge of the playground removing the trip hazard and the renewal of the hogan path to concrete has been completed

·         St Heliers Library seismic upgrade and general works.  This heritage building has been strengthened and restored.

·         Signage, for example wayfinding bollards and entry signs – Dingle Dell, Michael Joseph Savage Memorial, Martyn Wilson Field, Ngake Walkway, Bonnie Brae, Patteson Reserve, Watene Reserve, Swainston reserve, Koraka Reserve, Roberta Reserve, Waiata Reserve and Kupe Reserve.

Unfortunately, graffiti and vandalism continue to be a problem across the city.  Our contractors work tirelessly to remove graffiti as soon as it is reported. Anyone can report graffiti and vandalism using this online form -


Finally, this month (August) Auckland central will host restaurant month. Hospo, like many businesses have had a tough time over the past few years. If you are able, I’d encourage you to participate in Restaurant Month 1-31 August. There are over 100 special menus at participating restaurants to choose from. These range from Chef’s table series to walking food tours, and special menus from $30 pp.  Things can book up quickly so have a look on the below website to find out more.

Closer to home St Heliers Village is also running Restaurant month with a $50 restaurant voucher available for $30 to spend at  4 participating restaurants, Annabelles, Curry Village, La Vista and Moretons – terms and conditions apply please see for more details.



Newsletter - 4 July

It’s the start of the new financial year, in less than 6 months it will be 2025, the colder evenings have hit, and the school holidays are rapidly approaching.

 July also sees Auckland host the World Choir games, which is basically the Olympics of choral singing. 250 groups (around 11,000 singers) from 40 countries will be participating in what will be a great celebration of music from 10 -20 July.  The event includes an open competition and a champion competition and will truly be a magnificent showcase of choral music. Tickets to performances in some cases are free and others there is a charge. If you would like to find out more, or attend one or some of the events, the schedule can be found here:

With a musical background and connection to choirs in Auckland through my mother, this event inspired me to add another challenge to my life! I thought as host city, we should have a Council choir. So, I’ve put one together and created a choir that will be performing in a smaller form at the opening ceremony and in its full capacity at a couple of the free friendship concerts. If you would like to see us in action, the council choir will be singing at the Auckland Museum (Atrium across from the South Side of the Museum) on Tuesday 16 July at 6.30pm. There will be four choirs and the council choir will be singing first. We would welcome all supporters and the concert is free. 😉

Now for more serious news, last week was a big week for Auckland. After months of deliberation, public consultation, further discussions and adjustments we dotted the i's and crossed the t's in relation to the Long-term Plan. Formally adopting the full plan on 27 June.

We have worked to deliver a greater return from our two biggest income producing assets (the Ports of Auckland and our $1.3billion worth of airport shares), increased our savings targets and delivered the lowest rates rise of any metropolitan council in NZ.

So, what does this mean for the average value residential property in the Ōrākei ward? With the 6.8% increase for the 2024/25 year, residential rates will be $385 higher than last year. The weekly change is $7.41.

With the start of the new financial year, now is a good time to list a few reminders that are happening from/around 1st July.

The kerbside bin collection date for many residents has changed as of this week –if you haven’t received a letter or just want to double check , you can find out online by typing your address into the box of the below webpage.

The early bird catches the worm, however, in this case remember to register your dog to get the early payment discount (if you pay before 1 August). You can save a significant amount so add to your to do list.


As usual it is good to end on some local positives.

Parnell residents - Watercare have confirmed that the work to rehabilitate the Ōrākei Main Sewer around the sinkhole site (St Georges Bay Road) by relining a 116-metre section between two nearby manholes is nearing completion.  In the coming months, they’ll reinstate the carpark where the sinkhole formed and will be removing the temporary bypass pumps and pipeline. I know for local residents and businesses this day couldn’t come soon enough.

I would like to congratulate Remuera Intermediate students on their amazing art exhibition last week. My spy on the inside showed me photos of the fabulous works, from yarn art and paper quilling to a trash to fashion parade.

Just in time for the school holidays – several playgrounds have been repaired or upgraded, for example the new platforms for the play unit at Patteson Reserve, a new formed concreted manual skate pad at the Crossfield Reserve Skate Park and renewed travellator flying fox at Little Rangitoto Reserve.

Also, if you like going for local walks, you will be pleased that at Waiatarua Reserve all of the bridges throughout the reserve have been cleaned and new anti-slip mesh installed on the platform at the dog pond. As well as the St Johns Bush walkway project has been completed, which will increase the resilience of the walkway.

You blink and it is the school holidays again! For caregivers, finding things to do in the July school holidays to occupy the children can be a challenge .However, we are fortunate that we have parks, reserves and beaches on our doorstep for when the children need to be outside. For rainy days our libraries and museums are a good option. St Heliers library for example, has a range of activities timetabled, some drop in, like the Fun with Lego sessions on the 9 and 12 July 2-4pm and others that you will need to book in advance - the Matariki Kite Craft session on 18 July 2-3.30pm.  If you would like further inspiration, have a look on the “Our Auckland” website, where you can search for fun things to do.

Best to you all as always


Newsletter - 21 June

Today (Friday June 21) we celebrate the shortest day of the year – that means we will officially be halfway through our calendar year and on the downhill slope towards summer and warmer days. This time of the year is also special for Māori as it’s the official Matariki celebrations (June 15 -30) with next Friday, 28 June being a public holiday.  The rise of Matariki in the winter skies is an important time in the Māori calendar, as it signifies the start of the Māori new year. There are a wide range of activities for you to see and do this Matariki season. These range from kite days, to soaring lighting installations, live music performances to colourful light shows on our Auckland Harbour Bridge thanks to Vector.

The list of these events can be found on the council website:

Locally, Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei are hosting an official Umu Kohukohu Whetua (a traditional ceremony acknowledging the Matariki star cluster) on June 28 at 5.20am. This will be held at Takaparawhau/Bastion Point (enter via Kupe Street). If you wish to attend that please wrap up warm and wear gumboots or old shoes as it can be very muddy.

Changing the subject, and moving away from reflection and more to correction, I wanted to update you also on the KiwiRail squeaky rails saga.

I have received many complaints about the screeching trains on the Eastern Line, particularly across Hobson Bay and around Meadowbank and Ōrākei stations. Following multiple calls to KiwiRail, I recently received some promising news. On Thursday, last week I had an in-person meeting with a senior manager where he acknowledged our  noise concerns and acknowledged that wasn’t the standard we should expect from Kiwrail.  So, I put it to him directly “what are you doing about it? “ 

Essentially, the issue is threefold. First, admit there is a problem, which KiwiRail have now done. The characteristics of the Eastern Line are that it has lots of curves, which means lots of lateral movement of the wheels on the tracks.  This creates friction and consequent noise. 

Second, KiwiRail replaced a lot of rails during the 2020/21 period to deal with what they call “Rolling Contact Fatigue” (cracking rail in layman’s terms). I am told the new rail tracks take a while to smooth out. KiwiRail did grind down some of the tracks when first upgraded to reduce some of the friction and noise, but this obviously wasn’t enough.

Third, come up with a solution that will make a tangible difference.

As mentioned, KiwiRail have now acknowledged they have a   screeching noise issue that needs to be addressed, so what’s their plan to reduce the noise?

KiwiRail told me they now have a couple of solutions which will help solve this problem.  The first is a comprehensive lubrication programme, using automated lubrication pots next to the rails in strategic locations.  The second solution is to put in place an annual grinding programme, using an upgraded grinding machine which KiwiRail has leased for the next 4 years. 

Collectively, the lubrication of the tracks, the upgraded grinding machine and annual grinding maintenance will make a difference which KiwiRail say will be noticeable to residents and users from Christmas this year.

The outlined plan of action will commence in their new financial year starting from 1 July. 2024.  As I receive further updates, I will keep you informed.

From tracks to train services. I am sure if you are a train user you’ll be aware of the industrial action currently affecting the timetabling of our trains. For the latest updates please visit action and plan your journey at

And to end on a positive, this week we also celebrate the thousands of amazing volunteers who work across so many sectors helping Auckland and Aucklanders in a multitude of ways.

If you are one of them THANK YOU. Volunteers, make a huge difference to the social, cultural, environmental and community aspects of our great city and we appreciate the dedication, time and knowledge they give back. If you manage to get a chance to be part of a volunteering opportunity, I can guarantee you will benefit too 😊.

Newsletter - 12 June

In this newsletter, there will be a few reminders, a couple of updates and a big thank you.

 First, I would like to thank you all for the kind messages and condolences I have received since my mother, Leonie Lawson passed away a few weeks ago.

Leonie was a music teacher, a choirmaster, a conductor, organ player, singer, the heart of my family and much more. It was lovely to see so many people at her funeral, paying their respects and highlighting the positive impact she made on her students, her colleagues, her peers and the wider Auckland musical community. Next month (July), Auckland  will be hosting the World choir Games. Over 11,000 singers from more than 30 countries will participate in the largest choral competition and festival on the planet. I am sure she will be there in spirit.

Now back to council business.

Travelling by train has been undeniably unreliable over the past months. There have been signal issues, hot tracks, fallen trees on tracks, to name but a few examples.  To add to our woes, in the last few days, we have been informed about two industrial actions which mean disruption to  Auckland’s public transport even more. Until the unionised staff of Auckland One Rail (train drivers/ managers etc) and unionised staff of CAF (who look after the trains,) their union and employers come to an agreement, there will be disruption for the foreseeable future. It should be noted, that Auckland Transport staff are not on strike.

So if you use the train, please note that trains at peak time will be running every 20 minutes (rather than 10 mins). Please plan your journeys and check Auckland Transport journey planner. Due to this industrial action, there may be additional cancellations outside of our control.


Ngāpipi bridge widening finished.

It has been a long and eventful journey to get the Ngāpipi pedestrian bridge project completed. There have been hiccups and delays, but it is finally complete!

The pre-existing light pole, that ended up in the middle of the new pedestrian walkway (an accident waiting to happen) and a set of temporary traffic lights that were there so long they should be considered permanent have now both been removed. Traffic can now flow, and pedestrians can walk, run, scoot without having to dodge the light pole.

The trio of Ōrākei transports projects are now finished:

-           Tamaki Drive pedestrian walkway completed August 2023

-           Kepa Road - slip zone retaining wall completed December 2023

-           Ngāpipi Bridge widening opened in May 2024 (completed June 2024)


Residential bin collection day changes

Council is changing the routes and days of rubbish, recycling and food scraps collection services to make sure it’s operating at maximum efficiency and to deliver the best service.In short, we have a new contractor to deliver this.  

These changes affect approximately 113,000 properties across Auckland Central, Manukau, East Auckland, Papakura and Franklin and take effect from 1 July 2024.  

All three kerbside services (rubbish, recycling and food scraps) will continue to be aligned to a single day of the week for each respective property. However, your bin day and week may have changed.  Please check if you are affected here at


To be extra sure you know about any change you may have, directly affected properties will also receive a letter outlining the change.


Kerbside recycling reminder

Sadly, some Aucklanders are not using their recycling bins correctly. This behaviour is not only contaminating the recycling trucks, but also costing the ratepayer an additional $3 million a year to sort, process and dispose of the contamination! Contamination in council’s kerbside recycling bins has doubled since the first COVID-19 lockdown in 2021 and sadly we now dispose nearly a quarter of all that’s recycled to landfill, almost defeating the purpose.


You may have seen in the news about the Kerbside recycling bin contamination reduction trial that is being undertaken in Mangere-East, Wiri, Manurewa and Papakura. Data and results from the trial will be analysed and will be reported on to elected members in late 2024.


Whilst the trial is not in the Ōrākei ward, it is a good reminder to be mindful about what you put in your recycling bin. The list of do’s and don’ts can be found at this website:

Basically the below list is what you can put in your blue topped recycling bin

·         Glass bottles and glass jars (empty and clean).

·         Tin, steel and aluminium cans (empty and clean).

·         Plastic bottles (grades 1, 2 and 5) from your kitchen, bathroom and laundry.

·         Plastic food containers (grades 1, 2 and 5).

·         Newspapers, magazines, and advertising mail.

·         Paper, cardboard including empty pizza boxes, egg cartons and window envelopes.


Things you CANNOT put in your recycling bin include nappies, clothing, aerosol cans, and batteries.


The Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) consultation

The Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP ),  better known as   the 10-year investment proposal for Auckland’s transport network, is  open  until 17 June.  You have a few more days to have your say which I strongly encourage.

This major plan sets out which projects, programmes, and operating items that Auckland Transport, along with the  New Zealand Transport Agency and KiwiRail is seeking to fund or partly fund, from the National Land Transport Fund.

The draft RLTP 2024 proposes $63 billion worth of investment over the next 10 years. The transport priorities in the draft RLTP are taken from Auckland Council’s Long-Term Plan (LTP) and the government’s Government Policy Statement (GPS). 

 For example, if you want the Meadowbank Kohi connection (Gowing drive) to shared path to go ahead, please have your say. Auckland Transport have it in the plan for delivery 2025/2026 but it’s yet to get the government’s matched funding.

Read the RLTP and have your say:

I also strongly suggest you email your local MP and the Minister for Auckland/ Transport Simeon Brown to keep this on their radar too!

My final reminder is about Remuera Library.  As I have mentioned in an earlier newsletter we are doing improvements to our wonderful heritage listed Remuera Library, but to do the works we need to be inside it for a long period of time. The library will be temporarily closed from 1 July 2024 for approximately a year.

I know many local school children use the library straight after school – so for the next 12 months caregivers will need to make alternative plans.

The library’s services will be relocated to Somervell Presbyterian Church, 497 Remuera Road, with the library expected to resume operating from the church around mid-July 2024.

In the meantime, Library users are welcome to visit the Parnell, St Heliers or Epsom libraries (or any other Auckland Council library) until the temporary library is open.