Private commercial pyrotechnics lead to change in council communication process write:

Auckland Council will change the way it notifies the public of large fireworks displays after an event did not go down well with residents last week, a councillor says.

Auckland residents expressed concerns about a lack of public consultation following an inner city commercial fireworks display in Auckland's Viaduct at about 10.30pm last Monday.

The pyrotechnic display was part of a private corporate event at the ANZ Viaduct Events Centre. Auckland Council will not disclose who the corporate organiser was.

Read more here

Potential changes to Remuera Rd high street parking have led to calls for consultation. write: 

Anger is brewing over the prospect of Remuera Rd high street parking being lost to bus lanes.

Auckland Transport (AT) is considering the introduction of bus lanes on Remuera Rd, which could lead to removal of existing street parking.

The local board, Remuera businesss and residents are calling for consultation with AT before any changes are made.

Read more here.

Getting the CONTROL back into the CCO’s

“CCO’s are looking ‘out of control’” says Auckland Councillor for Orakei , Desley Simpson,  “but we can’t blame them if Councillors are not strong in their governance direction ”says Simpson

“There are three tools Councilors have to ‘control’ the Council Controlled organizations such as Auckland Transport and ATTED( Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development) and we have to use each one very carefully” says Simpson

The first is one is under Section 90 of the Local Government Auckland Council Act ( LGACA)  and is the Accountability Policy. If clearly articulated, this policy clearly sets the direction elected members wish CCO’s to follow. In light of the Council’s experience over the last 6 years, the accountability policy definitelywarrants a comprehensive review.  The second is via their Statement of Intent ( what the CCO’s want to do ) Councilors and the mayor, can, by way of resolution if they wish to,  modify this to alignthat work programme with the strategic direction of Council. This has only been used narrowly by Council to date. Finally, one which has never been exercised, and only applies to Auckland Transport, is under section 49 of the LGACA  and provides the mayor and Councillors the ability amongst other things to make rules by which the Auckland Transport must operate. 

At the governing body meeting last week Councilors voted ( 19/2) for a report to be brought to the Appointments and Review Committee with an assessment of the opportunities to improve the strategic alignment, accountability and responsiveness of Council Controlled Organisations using the current suite of accountability tools for recommendation back to the governing body.

“As a member of that committee chaired by Mayor Phil Goff, I’ll be looking carefully at ensuring that the elected members of this Council very clearly use every tool they have to ensure our CCO’s work within our brief and not off on tangents of their own, as is often the perceived case” says Simpson

Neighbouring Councillor for Maungakiekie-Tamaki Denise Lee ( formerly Krum) agrees“We’ve had two terms to figure out this super-city landscape and now it’s time to quickly move ahead and capitalize on growth. We can’t do that unless all our entities march to the same tune.”


The first meeting of the Accountability and Performance Committee is on November 24



Set Up to cost us more

Two weeks in the job and we are already set to double up on consultation which will cost ratepayers over $400K a year

The former Mayor and councilors set up 6 Advisory Panels .These were the  Disability Advisory Panel, Ethnic PeoplesAdvisory Panel, Pacific Peoples advisory Panel, Rainbow Communities Advisory Panel, Seniors Advisory Paneland Youth Advisory Panel

At the end of last term, these panels were independently assessed by Martin Jenkins and Associates and were found to be “ neither optimally effective nor optimally efficient “

So what do we do?…approve them again making them less formal.

Panels will now comprise of 6-10 members each andhave a budget of $375,000 paying members for attending workshops and meetings with a further $20,000 per panel for engagement. The Youth Panel will have 20 members.

At the last governing bodymeeting I moved an amendment to the Mayors proposal to delay any set up of the Demographic Advisory Panels until discussion with local boards had taken place. Reason being as Local Boards already have strong community engagement with youth, seniors etc…. and there was the potential to save money with local engagement. That amendment was lost by 5 votes to 16.

“ This is a slap in the face for all those residents associations and community groups who give their opinions freely through local board engagement on both local and regional issues without any expectationor offer of payment” says Cr Desley Simpson  

Auckland Council Maiden Speech - 2 November 2016

Your Worship, fellow Councillors, local board members watching who are all part of Auckland Council’s shared governance, it is humbling to stand here today as the second Councillor for Orakei, and the first female Orakei Ward Councillor for Auckland following on from Orakei’s popular Cr Cameron Brewer.

Many of you will know me as the former Orakei Local Board chair, which I was for 6 years, but you may not know that my family history in the governance of Auckland, goes back generations.

Swearing in ceremony, November 1st, 2016.

Swearing in ceremony, November 1st, 2016.

Many, many years ago (about 140), and before this Town Hall was even built, my great-great uncle Sir Henry Brett served as an Auckland City Councillor before becoming the 6th Mayor of Auckland in 1878  He was adorned with the very mayoral chains Your Worship wore last night and the link that bears his name sits over your right shoulder, your worship, and will do for the next 3 years.

He was of a time when Aucklanders wisely chose business leaders to run the city, and run it with the effectiveness and efficiency of a business. Sir Henry is also remembered as the founder and owner of the Auckland Star newspaper, and well understood the importance of communicating to Aucklanders – he even covered Council speeches just like this - albeit with use of carrier pigeons! Being keen on the arts, he donated the first pipe organ to this city for our Auckland Town Hall and I’m grateful, Your Worship, to carry on this family association with my position on the Auckland Town Hall Organ Trust. 

My grandfather, Sir James Donald was a member of the Harbour Board for many years and I’m wearing his fob chain presented to him when he became deputy chair in 1935. My father followed the same calling, serving briefly on the Auckland Regional Authority and on the old Auckland Electric Power Board now known as the AECT. So, four generations later, like my forefathers, I have a love for this city and a desire to serve its people embedded in my DNA.

Your Worship, Councillors, I want the third term of Auckland Council, to be one of real progress for our city. We’ve had two terms of ‘getting used to’ the super city model. It’s now time to make it really work. As the elected governors of this city we’ve got to take back the reins arguably held by others and set clear expectations, reinforce accountability, drive transparency and reflect the culture change we want.

If we are to lift Council’s tragic public satisfaction rate and get this super city working we have to work more effectively as a team. And that starts around this table. We won’t agree on everything, that’s democracy, but we need to find early agreement on those visions and projects to progress, so we can get going, as there is much to be done. Communication is integral to our success and that’s not just between ourselves but with Auckland. The Herald is not where we should learn of new Mayoral or Council projects or ideas. But in communicating Council’s vision and deliverables we need to further foster the understanding (because I don’t believe it’s there now) that local boards and CCOs are integrated parts of Auckland Council. Not separate warring bodies greater or less important than this one.
The boards undertake a substantial amount of consultation with their communities to come up with priority projects and activities for what are meant to be serious documents like Local Board Plans. So I think it’s downright embarrassing that far too often, those plans struggle to be realised. Separate Governing Body work programmes have instead charged ahead without much reference to the local board priorities. This has to change.
Auckland has a shared governance model and there is a lot we can learn from our colleagues on local boards. As I know very well, local boards are the first to get an earful when things aren’t going so well. And it’s no secret that under previous Council leadership, local boards have not been given the mana, respect or funding they deserve. 

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard or read ‘Council and local boards’ as if separate entities, I could almost fund our infrastructure budget myself (well almost).

Everything regional is local and we can’t forget that. We need to fund them more not less.

We have some big problems to solve, not least to address housing, transport and build critical growth infrastructure without continuing to punish ratepayers with high rates rises like they have experienced under previous leadership.
Aucklanders want to see value for the rates they pay, and more often than not, they don’t. Our communities have seen higher rates and lower service levels. Loud and clear throughout this recent election we have a heard that people want us to be smarter with their money, doing more with less. For me this absolutely includes us bringing Council back to delivering its core services efficiently and effectively.

Our new unitary plan cannot be properly realised without infrastructure (in its many forms) securely in place to support that planned growth. Council’s current wish list for new infrastructure over the next 10 years is hovering at around $20billion. As one of the biggest “businesses” in the country with assets of nearly $50billion and debts of $7.5billion we have to be financially smart – really smart for our need is great today, let alone for the future. It’s critical we find new ways of funding what we want and need to do, and using our asset base better.
I’d really like to play a part helping Council tap into wider sources of funding. Under the Orakei Local Board we took a grassed-over former rubbish dump and crafted a multi-million-dollar agreement with Oceania Football which has seen the building of  two international football fields, two training fields, changing rooms, toilets, seating and car parking. This was all at no cost to ratepayers, without the sale of any land and without Council even having to foot the opex!

There is great appetite out there for partnerships with Council, for both big regional and small local projects. Currently I feel Auckland is missing out on opportunities with Council not being as open as it should be to partnership possibilities, or being too slow and making it too difficult. Working more closely with the private and not for profit sectors will push Council to become smarter and more agile and I’m keen to encourage more of that.

It’s also important we get the right people working for Council, across all its parts, if we want the progress and results we’ve long been waiting for. As well as putting champions of progress in the right place, we must monitor that performance and reinforce our goals on the accountability front. To that end, my signaled role on the Appointments and Performance Review Committee is a very welcome challenge.

In conclusion, I come to this table committed to working with each of you to cut waste and duplication, untangle this suffocating bureaucracy, be more transparent in what we do, improve and streamline our deliverables, tangibly improve the ability to move in and around Auckland, build more homes, and deliver infrastructure that can cope with growth. If we make strong progress in these areas in a fiscally responsible way, we will be on our way to improving Council’s trust and confidence levels. 

I thank my wonderful family for their unwavering support and the Orakei Ward for the opportunity and faith they have put in me to do just that. It all starts today and I can’t wait. 

Thank you.